Originally Posted By: straycat
I want to get deep into this, but I just feel the need to stay out of it for the most part. We've been down this road 100 times on Aldeer over the years.

I don't know the age of the earth, but I think it is much younger than the Billions of years the evolutionists claim it to be. How much younger? A Lot younger. Macro-evolution is an atheistic, far fetched, humanistic creation of man in my opinion. Simply no evidence for it. Ancient creatures existed, sure. But there is no link showing a transformation. Evolution has become its own religion to explain the Universe that was designed and created intentionally.

The reason I say that is based on a few things from scripture:

Who actually created? Christ did.

As the creator, Son of God, on earth as a man, Christ had the opportunity to read and study Genesis (as well as all the OT) as a human being and to correct it in his teachings. He never did, he upheld the authority of it all. He created it all so he knows how it happened and when. He read the accounts and confirmed every last word.

What does that tell us today? I know what it tells me.
Does the bible address every issue? No. It isn't a textbook.

All of the OT, including Genesis, points to Christ. We can debate the 3rd level theology all day, but Christ is central. Having the proper view of creation and scripture is important though because a Biblical worldview based on the Truth of Scripture is an essential thing when Standing Firm, Guarding our Hearts, Wearing the Full Armor of God, and sharing the Gospel.

Christians can believe in Billions of years and macro-evolution, sure. But that stance does come with theological implications to say the very least. To each his own. Ultimately, it is about Christ and that is where our emphasis needs to be.

Is there any possibility that any Christian ever thought the Earth was flat? Or that witches didn't float? God gives us the tools to help ourselves because He commanded that we do so.

God won't cause you to win the lottery if you're too lazy to buy a ticket.