You make some valid points. Where are you seeing another hunt at the Ranch in October? I have looked a couple different places and don’t see one.

I think a lot of the tension would have gone away had we simply been given a straightforward answer on when the shooting would stop and why it would be an hour and a half before legal shooting time ended. Instead, we had a bunch of guys that were hot and were told to stop shooting right when the temperature was starting to cool off and the shooting was starting to heat up. Speaking to him face to face when emotions were high probably wouldn’t have been wise either.

Yes, the hunt is free if you don’t consider the hour and a half drive, ammo, having paid to have the dove gun fixed, etc. (and pull the trigger 10 times). And maybe part of the problem is Mr. Mason having too much work on his shoulders, which can be common for guys that get stuff done (20% of the people doing 80% of the work). Bottom line is I left not knowing if I would ever want to sign up for a hunt even if it were free. Just because it is “free” doesn’t mean it’s ok to be poorly managed (no wheat and no straight answer for shooting time). Just my $0.02.