Originally Posted By: TickaTicka
Originally Posted By: Remington270
Originally Posted By: jono23
I always took the cash argument to mean actually have the cash in your account to pay for it, but not physical cash. Debit cards come to mind.

Part of his budgeting plan does involve actual envelopes of cash.

About 15 years ago, I worked with a guy who's family adhered very strongly to the budget and envelope plan. They literally had envelopes attached to the wall next to a dry erase board with their budgeted cash inside. To see it in action, I was sort of speechless.

I look at his system as a sort of first grade for people who have proved that they can't make a budget or stay on a budget any other way.

I don't use envelopes but I do set aside cash for all my groceries budget every payday, and I put back cash in the gun safe for my hunting and fishing hobby expenses. It just helps me keep track of what I spend better and I don't buy a new gun or ammo or anything that is not in the budget.

My hobby budget is not really a set amount,I just put back some every payday all through the year and if I want a new stand or whatever it's not a huge expense at one time. Just $20 a week will pretty much get anything I want every year.