To answer your question, I can set up a lock on pretty quick and have done so several times the morning of the hunt. I haven't read all the post but, Millenium makes that big stand that comes with a fitting (whatever it's called) they sell for like $25 on Amazon. You can buy 1 or 2 stands and several of those and set up several sites with screw in steps or sticks and carry the stand in. I haven't used one yet, but from what I understand they just slide down in that fitting. I would use those all day over a climber. I think you're a stick bow guy like me so being able to hide is more important. I don't have a single stand over 15 ft high but they're hidden.

Anybody ever used a Climax stand? I have several and they are awesome. They closed up shop but they have a swing arm under the platform so you can hang them in virtually any tree and make them level. They are a mother to hang though.


I hope we have once again reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There�s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: as government expands, liberty contracts. � Ronald Reagan