Well I personally know Bill and have never had a single problem with him at all. He is one of the nicest guys around and will give you the shirt off his back if you need it. HE is the only reason that everything gets ready out there for those kids for dove, deer and turkey season. But who knows y'all could have caught him on a bad day (which EVERYBODY has). But the right thing to do if you had a problem with him or the shoot would have been to pull him aside and talk to him like a man instead of bashing him on the internet like a junior high schooler.... I mean y'all are on the internet whining about what time they made you stop shooting at a FREE dove hunt. You yourself said you had your own dove field, so if you don't wanna go with what they say and be ok with it, stay at your field and leave that spot for someone more appreciative...and for the record, there is another shoot there in October.

Last edited by YAK-EM'; 09/20/17 08:58 AM.

2013 World Howling Champion (Hunter Division)
2013 World Distress Champion (Hunter Division)
2013 All Around World Champion (Hunter Division)