I think the PAC-12 is 2-0 vs SEC west teams.

I dont see the SEC as harder to succeed outside of having to play bama.

Originally Posted By: hunterbuck
Originally Posted By: Gotcha1
Is amazing that someone (jb) thinks that.
Wearing a flack jacket to practice?
Cost of living.
Southern boy in that town.
Pat Haden.
Lives in the minds of "has beens."
Btw, I did say "worth a look."
And don't know condition of facilities now, but they were bad at one time.
Jb, you aren't in touch with football, are you? (Don't even believe I'm saying that out loud)

Haden retired from USC last year. Maybe he's their Pat Dye and still runs things behind the scenes though...I don't know. But, he is the one who gave the job to Helton, so I'm not sure Helton sees Pat Haden as the "problem" that many did/do...and I was one of those people.

That said, the biggest thing I see missing from your list is "opportunity to succeed"...which is much greater at USC than it is at Auburn RIGHT NOW.