Originally Posted By: Joe4majors
Originally Posted By: deadeye48
So everyone else is wrong when they have presented evidence that man and dinosaurs coexisted?

You're welcome to provide evidence. But, as a scientist it gets old seeing stuff that's a complete lie and then other people buying into it simply because they don't know any better. Carbon dating can only be used to date things back to 40,000 years or so. No real scientist has ever claimed that carbon dating can date anything into the millions of years. Other radioactive isotopes, with longer half lives, are used for dating rocks containing dinosaur bones.

Didn’t they use C12 to aid in dating with C14 because C12 is constant? I ask because I think I read where there are issues with C12. Mainly being doubt on whether or not the amount of C12 actually remained constant? If that is the case, it calls into question the dating methods used. I may be wrong on this and quite frankly, whether the earth is 6k years old or billions it doesn’t change my faith. Point is, I’m just posting this asking a serious question and 1) I don’t think this is the hill for Christians to die on and 2) it doesn’t invalidate the Bible.

I hope we have once again reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There�s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: as government expands, liberty contracts. � Ronald Reagan