Originally Posted By: lefthorn
Man, some of you sure are taking a lot of power away from God. What about the account of leviathan and behemoth in Job?(and before you say behemoth is a hippo, look at the description of the tail and tell me you have seen a hippo with a tail like that)

I don't know how all the animals fit on the ark but it says some of each "kind" got on. Kind of like how do we have black, white, hispanic, asian, etc people out of just Noah and his family. God is all powerful and can do things we don't understand, we just have to believe He did it. That is part of pur "faith", believing without seeing.

There are just some things that cant be answered but like most things can be given a good educated guess. I heard an atheist mocking a guy over his faith by saying that the Bible was as true as the Unicorns that are in it. Well unicorns were and are real but not in the sense that world has made them. The Biblical Unicorn is actually the Rhinoceros..dont believe me? do your homework before you doubt.

When I need expert advice I tend to talk to myself
The older I get the better I used to be