Originally Posted By: AUstan23

Originally Posted By: deadeye48
You've never heard of the time gap theory between Gen 1:1 and 1:2 ?
Gen1:1 In the beginning God created heaven and earth..STOP..its done creation has happened now Gen 1:2 and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of God moved upon the waters.
God is perfect and everything he does is perfect right? Then why would the earth having been created not be perfect or are we reading a recreation taking place during Gen 1:2. lets jump to Gen 1:28 God says to man to multiply and REplenish the earth...you see that RE. you know what that means??

So there were people before Adam and Eve? They died in a flood. Then Adam and Eve replenished the Earth? Then Noah, flood, everyone dies again, Noah party replenish the Earth again? I got that right?


When I need expert advice I tend to talk to myself
The older I get the better I used to be