Originally Posted By: FurFlyin
Originally Posted By: ronfromramer
Originally Posted By: Skinny
We will get some timber damage, mostly Georgia with this storm. This however, for us anyway, will not be like Ivan or Opal. I dont know if you recall or not, but Opal ruined the pole timber market for L.A. cause of the storm scars it put on all of the trees.

Lordy, I hope not. I had around 100 mph winds during opal, the tree damage was awful and I was without power for close to a week. I'm way too old for that crap now

You also had 15" of rain before the wind from Opal got to you, or at least that's the way it was in Troy. Might have been 18" of rain.
hats what i remember about opal.

The harder I practice, the luckier I get.