Originally Posted By: CNC
Originally Posted By: Hevishot13
.....take a number, im spread thin on chitlists right now

Hmmmm…..I tell you what then..... I’ll give a chance right here and now to get back off the chit list and we’ll forget about this whole unfortunate episode. Apologize to the forum for interrupting the thread and tell the real story of what happened……. followed by the statement “CnC is my daddy.”…..

Do that... and your hasty, not well thought out remarks, will be forgotten. popcorn
oh i didnt derail chit, you did starting crap with N2TRKYS. And youre mistaken again, i wasnt wanting off the chitlist, i could care less actually. But since you want an apology try this: blow it out your ass.

Will that work? Id hate to see a snowflake like you tear up, its a shame the world is so rough.