Originally Posted By: coop4412
Spray with gly and set fire to it. It will burn the grass under and pop the sorghum like popcorn. It will leave you with standing sorghum with very clean ground underneath. Also, you are kinda right by the fact of the birds liking it later in the season. Doves like bigger grain the cooler it gets in part because of the higher fat content. I have saw cut soybean fields not have a dove on them and then a month later a cold front hit and it be loaded down.

Thanks to all for the info. I guess I need to spray and burn. I tried bushhogging it Thursday but there is so much grass that I couldn't find any seed. If the deer are gonna eat it, it's not gonna last long anyway.

I bushhogged a little corn too, and it's not dry enough to shell. Not many doves around either. I'm not optimistic on a good shoot at this point.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.