First deer I ever killed: I was 10-11 years old. We were at my family's hunting camp and all of the adults left the kids to go riding the roads. My sister was around 15 and cousins were up to 17, so we weren't being completely neglected. Before they left I asked if I could kill a deer if it came in the back yard. They, not knowing I had been baiting it up every weekend for a couple of weeks, gave me the green light. They never thought in a million years thought one would wander into the back yard.

After they left I would periodically run to the restroom at the back of the house that had a window with a view of my corn pile. I would shine my flashlight through the window to check for deer. I did this about 5 times with no luck. Finally I saw those glowing eyes. I grabbed my single shot Stephens 20 gauge and loaded it. I grabbed my flashlight and tried to sneak out the squeaky screen door. It seemed like it took an eternity to get that door open without squeaking loud enough to spook the deer. I finally made it out the door and down the stairs. Much to my surprise, the deer was still there. My heart was beating out of my chest! I walked a about 15' closer to get a better shot. I put the flashlight between my legs, strategically aimed anywhere but directly at the deer, and I steadied my gun and pulled the trigger. I was shaking uncontrollably. I just knew I had killed my first deer. I went to the crime scene but there was no deer in site. I was devastated.

The adults get home about 30 minutes later and I told them I shot a deer. They all laughed and didn't believe me. After finally convincing them I was serious they had a disturbed look on their face. We went to look for blood and found some at the tree line. We tracked the deer about 100 yards into the woods and found her. We dragged her out and cleaned her. I got a face full of blood and lots of pictures taken. We still laugh about that but, thinking back, it may have been one of the most illegal deer taken in the history of outlawing.... Well, maybe not.

The deer was taken at night with the aid of a light. It was taken over bait. It was a doe and it wasn't doe season (back when we only had a week of doe season). I was using buckshot during stalk season. I think the only ways it could have been more illegal would have been on someone else's property(or federal land) and if I would have been in a vehicle. Needless to say, I got a lesson on deer hunting after all was said and done. I believe my parents and family learned a lesson that night also. We later learned that a game warden bullied up one of the neighbors that night thinking he was the culprit.

That was the only time I have outlawed in my life.

all of this Allegedly happened.