Chestnuts, sawtooth oaks, nuttal oaks, chinkapin oaks are all good choices. I’ll take some pics in a little while of some of my fruit orchards to show more about what I’m saying. I had a dozen Chickasaw plums that had been growing and producing prolifically for about 6-7 years….they all died this last year. I also lost a Santa Rosa plum. I’ve got full grown peach trees that have been producing that didn’t produce anything this year due to late frost. I’ve grown apple trees for 3-4 years and had them up to good sized trees….only to have them get blight and die. Got another out here right now that’s about to be BBQ wood. I started out with around 40 apples and crabapples about 5 years ago and I’m probably down to 20-25 now…..

By all means, give them a try if you want to….but nuts are easier to grow and more dependable to produce.

Here’s some Chinese chesnuts and sequin chestnuts (smaller)

Here’s two different kinds of sawtooths…regular and gobbler (smaller)

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