I used to buy timber. A yard job like what is described here was a no-no, because the guys on the crew could never get it all done without tearing something up (mailbox, waterline, powerlines, septic tank, etc) or they could never leave the yard or small wooded area in decent enough shape to satisfy the landowner. The few I tried, we wound up losing significant $$$ because I had to bring in a landscaper to rake and pile the needles, small broken limbs, and debris, and all but re-sod the area after the job was done to keep the landowner from calling the sheriff or threatening to post something in the local paper about so and so's timber company is a bunch of low-life thieves.

Anything around a house or yard was politely passed on because the owner rarely could live with the 'carnage' that is timber harvesting that close to the aesthetic zone.

And don't get me started on the entry point for trucks conversation. "Why can't you bring the trucks (80,000 to 90,000 lbs loaded) in here at my nice 3-inch thick white concrete driveway?" And followed shortly by, "Oh heck no, I'm not going to let you make a new, ugly driveway here with rock and dirt... holy crap! how much did you say a culvert costs?"

You gonna pull them pistols, or whistle Dixie?