Hell I went by the local Dari Delite a few years ago after a softball game like we done a few nights per week.Ordered,got to the window with my card out to pay.Guy finally came to the window after a couple minutes and gave me my drinks,came back and gave me a bag of food and said it would be a few more minutes on the rest.Between all this time I was talking with the wife and daughter about the softball game and had seriously thought I had paid the guy already.He came and gave me our last bag and said thanks sir have a nice night.We left and didn't think anything about it.Went back a few nights later and when we got to the window the same guy looked out at my Tahoe and told me he called the cops on me for stealing food.I bout come unglued.He was a pure dick democrat.I told him he could shove the food I just ordered up his ass that I didn't want it but if I honestly didn't pay for it I was more than happy to take care of it.I paid him $23 for the food he said I didn't pay for and left.Pissed me off so bad cause I'm alotta things but a thief ain't one of em.Ive stole 1 thing in my whole life..A Valentine's sucker off Adam McDonald's desk in 4th grade.Thought I was gonna get in some serious trouble for that and it scared the chit outta me cause the teacher was mad as hell and ive never took anything that I wasn't suppose to since.