Modoc, I originally hoped to sell the trees I had, too. My "yard" is also about 5 acres, and I was looking to turn an acre of it into a fruit orchard, well away from the house. I went from hoping to sell the trees, to trying to give them away, to just hoping I'd eventually be able to get rid of them! Finally found a guy that came and got the pines, and I cut up and split all the hardwood into firewood. My ex-wife has an aunt who's widowed and has only a wood stove for heat...we gave her 8 full cords of wood, and I traded another 3 cords for some grading/leveling after all the stumps were dug.

We'll probably be cutting a little more hardwood later this year around the edges of the yard, if I can get the splitter again...all of it will go to the same widow lady.

Well behaved women never make history.~ Out back
Quit laughing...I think I broke something.

Fifteen is my limit on Schnitzen-Gruben, Baby...

I have OCD and ADD, so everything has to be perfect, but only for a minute.