Lots of questions to be answered still:

Who designed the metal structure? Architect/Engineering firm (GMC) or metal building manufacturer?

What was called for regarding temporary bracing? How much was in? In correctly? Defects, omissions, etc..

Which sub was doing the metal structure?

Which structural engineering and materials testing firms were inspecting progress?

What issues, if any, were known before it fell? And by whom? The GC, subs, and design/engineering professionals all have a role in the process. How big a role and responsibility will be determined one of two ways: easy or litigious.

All the parties involved already know the answers. Builders Risk coverage has already been notified. Forensic engineering firm representing the carrier has already been on site or will be by tomorrow morning. I can guarantee you that every party is doing the same thing. Once that report is released, clean up, repairs, and more steel will commence.

Quite a big setback on completion date. Hate to see it.

"The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever." Isaiah 40:8

"Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.� Samuel Adams