Actually, I do NOT believe the church service is for non-believers. It is for worship and edifying of the saints (already saved). The biggest issue in today's church is a complete lack of theology, and I concluded that one reason for that is the eisegesis of every dadgum sermon to be "evangelical". (Eisegesis is the process of interpreting a text or portion of text in such a way that the process introduces one's own presuppositions, agendas, or biases into and onto the text. This is commonly referred to as reading into the text. And yes, that includes trying to make it "save" someone.) It is the same reason I am not a fan of "invitations" tagged to the end of every sermon. The preacher is not a salesman, he has ZERO responsibility in a lost man becoming saved. The ONLY job the preacher has (and you too) is to correctly teach the whole of scripture, in context, true to the overall meta-narrative, and then let the Holy Spirit move as He wills (and that may be growing the already saved, convicting the lost man, drawing a lost woman to Him, etc). The point of church is NOT to preach to lost people. Also not a fan of box presentations (ie: crusades, etc). When believers are equipped (which should be happening during Sunday school and church services), they will be evangelizing in their sphere of life OUTSIDE the church. Don't get me wrong, I want unbelievers there, and I'm ecstatic if they are saved during our service, but "the church" (already saved) gathers together for worship and instruction. Many/most passages, when taught in proper context, don't necessarily have ANY soteriological impact at all, so the preacher/teacher is warping the passage if he tries to make it so. I used to ask my class: "I regularly hear y'all say you're inviting a lost friend to church in hopes they'll get saved. What have YOU been doing with the established relationship you have with that person????" If your preacher is doing what the Lord has CALLED and EQUIPPED him to do, he'll start in V1 Chapter 1 of any book this Sunday, preach it verse by verse even if it takes a whole year, and many of those sermons won't be applicable to a lost man. That's how it's done!

We were on the edge of Eternia, when the power of Greyskull began to take hold.