Originally Posted By: SouthBamaSlayer

Originally Posted By: mman
Originally Posted By: ridgestalker
Originally Posted By: ford150man
Originally Posted By: 2Dogs
Originally Posted By: ridgestalker
We just sing and make melody in our hearts.Since I never read about anything being played in NEW Testament worship so we don't do it.

As does Larkinsville Church of Christ, I'd say that's traditional.

As a former Church of Christ, I will say you've never read anything in the New Testament about using projectors with song words, microphones, etc...but you'll find those in nearly every Church of Christ building out there.

I'm pretty sure those things didnt exist 2,000 years ago but the instrument did.Folks can do what ever they want it has no effect on me or mine. I just want to have Bible for what me and my family do in worship.God is not my pal and church service isn't a party to me.

Exactly. Most folks can't discern the difference between carrying out a command and adding to a command.

Doesn't matter what man wants. Under the new law, God has said to sing. If you use a song book or electricity or what ever, you still have one type of music, singing. When you add mechanical instruments, you have 2 types of music, one authorized, one un-authorized.

A cappella basically means "in the manner of the church or chapel", and for good reason. Mechanical instruments, though accessible to the early church, were not used by them, hence the phrase, a cappella. Mechanical instruments of music were added some 7 centuries later. They caused division when they were added, and obviously, they are still causing division today.

God said that our worship MUST be in truth (Jn 4:23-24). God's word it truth (Jn 17:17). Therefore, to worship in truth requires instruction from God. It must be pointed out, truth comes from what God said, not what He didn't say. The same is truth of faith (Rom 10:17). You cannot have faith in what God has NOT said. Therefore, you cannot use mechanical instruments in faith and according to truth.

The only way we can know what God wants in our worship today is for Him to tell us. I know this is contrary to many people's belief. Worship is too important for me to base it on what I like or don't like. God only accepts worship according to truth, so I'm going to do everything in my power to worship according to what He has said and according to the approved examples given in the new covenant.

Not everything in the old testament was the "old law" that was rendered null and void with Christ's death. In fact, much of it was not. If everything in the old testament was the "old law" and irrelevant, why was the old testament included in the Bible?

The old testament was there for our learning. How else would we know why Christ came and was a sacrifice for us.

Two roads diverged in the woods and I took the one with deep ruts,hills and mud.It may be bumpy but WHAT A RIDE!