Originally Posted By: Southwood7
These threads highlight so much of what is wrong with the church. If you are arguing in your church about what style of worship songs you should sing on Sunday you have missed the point ENTIRELY. Obviously the church needs to be sound theologically but I after that I am concerned about two things:
1. Are lost people coming to our church and getting saved
2. Are we making and equipping disciples

I don't believe the church service on Sunday morning is for me. Yes, I love going and I worship God but I know that our Sunday worship service is geared towards non believers. Worship is exciting and the message is relevant and practical and every Sunday people give their lives to Jesus. On Sunday morning we (believers) shouldn't be consumers, sitting in our seat to get our church fix for the week, we should be serving and loving on those people who have stepped into the church for the first time in years, those people that are hurting and broken.

^^^That message will preach!

Originally Posted by CNC
Ya'll are just overthinking it now