Originally Posted By: bill
Good Lord, no wonder our government is so bad. Sessions did exactly what any good person in an appointed position should do when the person that appointed them is the subject of an inquiry. He recused himself the same way most of us said Holder should have done on several occasions under Obama. I'm sure Sessions knew, like most of us, that there wasn't much to the Russia thing and that to avoid any hint of impropriety he stepped aside. You guys were Sessions biggest cheerleader until Trump turned on him and now he is a coward and a scumbag? I've got Living Colour ringing in my ears...
Sessions should not have recused himself independently without a plan in place to ensure this investigation is done without bias. If there is one thing ive learned this year is that i have lost all faith in congress and the media, and do not trust anyone in washington . This is ridiculous that something like obamacare that has been a disaster for the most part was not repealed and replaced in february at the latest.