Sadly, this is the kind of crap that is killing churches and chasing off potential souls that need reached. So many churches are getting away from their true purpose and worrying about petty stuff. Not once in the Bible does it talk about contemporary or traditional worship styles. Not once does it talk about wearing suits and ties versus blue jeans or shorts. Not once does it say anything about whether or not a church is supposed to meet on Wednesday and Sunday nights as well as Sunday morning. Not once does it say whether or not it's okay to have a meal under the church roof. These are just a few items I've heard bickering and fighting over in the church and the list goes on and on. The problem isn't whether or not these items are right or wrong but rather the selfishness of people with the attitude of "this is how we've always done it and that's how I like it". I've heard it said that "Christians are the only army that shoots its wounded", and sadly, its true. The purpose of Christians is to glorify God, encourage each other in growth, and lead others to Christ. Period. There is absolutely nothing wrong with preferring one worship style over another but if a person/church isn't willing to change (as long as the change is still biblical) to reach the community then they need to evaluate their true intentions. If you think about it, many of the songs that are called traditional at one time was probably considered very contemporary.

Last edited by ford150man; 07/19/17 03:11 PM.

If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it.-Mark Twain