Originally Posted By: 300gr
Originally Posted By: BPI

If we all went back to the way the church sho nuff used to be then we would go sell everything we own and give as people have a need. We would spend days in prayer with one another and no one would go without. Also, we would share the Gospel and our testimony to the point of death and persecution would be a given not something unusual. Anyone coming if that's the deal because that's traditional church.

Yet in our western culture, we split churches over music preference. Go figure.

We should worship the way it used to be,the way the 12 apostles taught by example. Who is man today to decide they know a better way to worship ? Man already in some congregations decided God doesn't condemn homosexuality,drunkenness,lying,adultry etc even though his word says differently. To have loud bands removing the focus on the words sung in worship of the Father is glorifying the band members. How many applaud at the end of songs? Why? Because it is showing band members you like THEM The focus should be on God and his son not entertainment of visitors or members.

If you want to go by who did it first is best, David said to worship with loud cymbals and instruments.