I'm really trying, really I am, to understand that people in these praise 'bands' or whatever they're called are passionate and are making their joyful noise to the Lord.

But I really, really hate the music for many reasons. I could go into those reasons but it's not worth it.

Last Sunday the church we attended had 30 minutes of music including two traditional hymns. My first thought was "Doggone, this is great. FINALLY, a mix of old and new."

And then after the second verse of one of the songs, there was a lull and crescendo and the rock'n'roll jamfest resumed. IMO it's more of a performance and less of a praise in song, more of a "Look at us, let's JAM! and whoohoo!" on stage in front of everyone.

So I, like a lot of others I see in there - because I'm looking around - stand there not singing. Most are men, some are women. Age doesn't matter, either. So it's pretty clear to me the music isn't something "the old folks" hate and "the new young folks" like. It's across the board.

We like the preacher, or whatever they're called now. We're trying with this church but I'm unsure if it'll work out.

To be honest, also, I've had this same issue with music and church ever since I was a teenager in my home Baptist church. Our music director was a really fine guy but sometimes on the fourth verse of a song we'd have the slllloooowwwww organ buildup to The Very Big Slow Booming Finish! final verse sung in the slower half speed.

Why? Performance? Praise? Both, I guess.

I just wish there was a happy medium of the traditional music and maybe contemporary, without going full-blown loud lightshow Jamfest For Jesus every Sunday.

"Hunting Politics are stupid!" - Farm Hunter

"Bible says you shouldn't put sugar in your cornbread." Dustin, 2013

"Best I can figure 97.365% of the general public is a paint chip eating, mouth breathing, certified dumbass." BCLC, 2020