Originally Posted By: doekiller
How do these homeless people get to Colorado? How do they buy their weed?

Same way they did in the 60's with the migration to the Haight Ashbury district.

Watched a segment by Lisa Ling hanging with some dope heads. It took the heroine addict 15 minutes to score enough cash twice to get his fix! That is all he does every day, beg and shoot, beg and shoot, what else is he gonna do?

The jails are full of dope heads, usually not from actual drugs but more so from robbery etc... Heck I had a jacked up meth head try and come over my fence into back yard a few weeks ago, he was running from the cops. He and his gal were trying to steal some things a few blocks away. I live in Mayberry basically.

I know everyone says weed is nothing to it, and maybe with legalization it would become so. The transition will be the hard part.

DWI's in Colorada are way up. I've watched several LIBERAL documentaries on legalization, some serious problems have arisen. Legal growers were being robbed of their stashes or so they were saying. More profitable in the black market still. Anyone can massage the books to fit their purpose.

I'm for medical marijuana, a friend dying with cancer recently smoked weed to help him get thru it. I have no problem at all with that scenario!

The problem I have with it, no one will be totally honest in a discussion.

“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan