Spring turkey hunting is a multitude of things. It's a reminder to be thankful to live in a Country where we can hunt any time our schedule allows. It's a time to be thankful that we hunt those old hardheaded easterns in the South. It's a time when a bird can get in your head and make you lose hours of sleep. It's a time when you see God's handiwork when a strutter comes slowly into range. It's a time when you just want to kill one more...even though you've hunted them over 32 springs.

Although I will hunt with my son some, it's a solo thing. It's not for everyone. It's not the circus you see on tv with field turkeys running to decoys. It's going in at dark, crossing beaver dams with cottonmouths falling into the water, to get to the right listening spot. It's getting as tight as you can, knowing the next step might bump him off the roost. It's making that 4 or 5 year old public land gobbler think you are the real thing. It's what you do when no one else' is looking....a test of your character. Ex. When that gobbler finally commits and you can't shoot or you will pepper multiple turkeys. It's that feeling of throwing him over the shoulder and thinking where can I do this tomorrow? It's the prayer to thank God for letting me do this one more time.....

Last edited by Turkey Petter; 07/03/17 06:55 PM.