Originally Posted By: Fuzzy_Bunny
Originally Posted By: yelkca280
Originally Posted By: foldemup
Originally Posted By: 59Hunter
Does anyone know who grizz leases the land from?

If you get it, I'll take a turkey only membership! wink

You will regret that! D-white lives right down the road and would make someone's life miserable. That SOB will run the devil out of hell and then corn the whole place.

He might, and he might get away with it, but there are a lot of people in this world who would return the favor 100 fold.

Screwing up a mans hunting is one thing, destroying his home is another.

There are a lot of folks in this world who are tougher and meaner than old Dewight ever will be.

Based on the fact that Outdoor Obsession isn't standing on crutches watching what use to be his house smoldering through the one eye that isn't completely swollen shut.

This Dwight fella ain't even scratched the surface on how some folks might have handled this situation to this point much less lease the land out from under him...

I might let that dog lie.

No government employees were harmed in the making of this mess.