Sometimes being successful creates problems as well. LOL

We are in our 5th year now and several of our properties have played out. This is great for the landowners and that is exactly what we set out to accomplish. But, the side effect is hard on the pig kill numbers.

Places we used to kill 10-15 a night are now 0-2 locations now. We still work them regularly just to keep the new comers at bay. But, that sure does make for a lot more traveling around all night hitting lots of locations. It is not uncommon at all for me to work parts of Lowndes, Dallas, and Wilcox counties in a single night now.

As such, I am always looking for new properties to work. It is funny when I hear folks are looking for a place to shoot a pig. I always tell them I am as well. LOL

Alabama Hog Control, Inc.
Barry Estes

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke