If you are going to use Genesis, then use it all. Don't cherry pick what fits best with your ideas and ignore the rest.

Gen 1:day 5 creatures of the seas and birds created.
Gen 1: day 6 all the creatures of the dry land, plus the specific creation of man and woman in "our" image, being the trinity.

The bible is very specific in time: day and evening mark a day. The Hebrew word is "yom" which means day. Now day has various meanings. A specific period of time as in 24 hours; an era like "back in the day"; or future tense as in "one day...". Yom when used with references to light and dark/morning and evening/or a number in the Hebrew language ALWAYS WITHOUT EXCEPTION refers to a literal 24 hour period--an actual day.

So is Genesis literal or figurative? If it is merely figurative then one can make all kinds of evolution claims within intelligent design parameters.

But even that causes a theological problem, if one cares about theology: What God, Jesus Christ actually, created was glorious and perfect. Then sin entered in Eden and man fell and suffered the curse of God. From the beginning, Christ was to pay the atoning sacrifice. If millions of years had transpired before and man arose not from God's breath but thru mutations in ape creatures...death already firmly in place....then the need for Jesus Christ and his death on the cross vanishes. How do you account for that hurdle?

Your turn.

"The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever." Isaiah 40:8

"Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.� Samuel Adams