Originally Posted By: CNC
When I read the first paragraphs of Genesis….I don’t see where the Big Bang Theory and Evolution conflict so badly with what the Bible says.. Look what it tells us ……

In the beginning there was formless darkness until God said let there be light……Boom!, the light….the big bang……..Then he separated the light from the darkness...we start getting day and night…...oceans and land begin to arise……..vegetation begins to cover the Earth……All of this unfolding right in line with the idea of things starting from a Big Bang of light and progressing or forming from that point….It even says next that he created the creatures in the water first before then letting the land fill with every creature of their kind…..That seems to me to be exactly what evolution is telling us as well…..life started in the ocean before the land……Then after the other animals were already here…..”Man” arrives on the scene…..This is where we split and became more than just another animal through “knowledge” and the special evolutionary path of our brains. .

To say that God created man does not have to mean that poof he made man like pulling a rabbit out of a hat….Man could have very well emerged from the blue print that was already unfolding on Earth and he still would have been made by God….. Maybe the whole blueprint of our existence from beginning to end was already written at the moment he said let there be light…… Maybe God’s hand just set it all in motion and his design created it all in a chain reaction of events that unfolded over millions of years and is still unfolding today. You can look at nature and see that there’s a blueprint. I don’t see where the ideas of evolution and the big bang have to conflict so bad with religion.

Back to you........ grin

This is kinda where my head is at

It is easier to fool a man than to convince him he has been fooled.