Why do so many fear this bill so much,,, ??? it doesn't make a gun more deadly,, actually can make it less effective at longer distances. You'd think they'd want us to have one on every gun we own. No reason this bill should not become law.

we know a suppressor doesn't actually silence a gun,,, A buddy of mine at a gun show was trying to sell a full auto Ingram 45 with a suppressor ,,, to try and make the sale we went to a clay pit he first shot it full magazine without the suppressor ,,, no ear protection equaled ringing ears for a while,, the buyer was smiling ear to ear.

then he shot it full magazine with the suppressor ,,sounded like a 22 ... much kinder to the ears.

I try to imagine what a suppressor would do for a 7mm Mag or for that matter any hunting rifle caliber we'd shoot deer or hogs with,,, ??

and by the way,,, an 45 cal Ingram on full auto is sweet.. with or without a suppressor.