Here’s where I’m eventually going Straycat……..

I think man has changed over time through the same process. Early prehistoric man changed because of environmental conditions and natural selection like all the other animals would have. We were tied to nature as much as any of them back then. Let’s look at human tools and technology though to see where things changed.

We can without a doubt look at the human race and see that we are progressing over time and expanding our knowledge of technology and the world around us. We can follow it back in time as well moving back step by step along a timeline. You would have milestones on that timeline from recent ones like man learning to fly……moving back in time to ones like man learning to use metals……man learning to farm… inventing the wheel…..and on and on backwards in time.

If we keep following that timeline backwards then it has to lead us to one place……And that’s to the first pre-historic ancestor of man that picked up a stick and rock and used it as a tool. That separation in evolution took place in the brain. It’s where we separated ourselves from the other animals through “knowledge” as it says in Genesis. It’s what has driven our evolution as a species ever since.


Last edited by CNC; 05/26/17 05:50 AM.

We dont rent pigs