Originally Posted By: eskimo270

Originally Posted By: jawbone
I work in code enforcement now as one of my part time jobs. Occasionally I will help our building inspector, if asked, because I am still a sworn officer and can issue on sight citations and he can't. We do not require building permits in the jurisdiction, just the city limits. Do you get fire dept. coverage in the PJ? If not, then why are you paying the 1/2 tax or whatever it is to live in the PJ? That is messed up.
there is a volunteer fire department, the town does not provide any services that I am aware of

I'm at a loss. Messed up is all I can say. I would verify by wanting to see the building code in writing that one is required and then verify that they have jurisdiction to require a permit out of the city limits. Bottom line, make them show it to me in black and white.

Lord, please help us get our nation straightened out.