Evolution (macro kind) is a farce of epic proportions offered up by those in the historical sciences who rejected that God created and designed all we know in the universe. That's not bringing religion into it, that is simple fact based on the writings of the early evolutionists that were the founders of the movement today.

They had to have some explanation. They could dig in the rocks and find evidence. But historical sciences cannot be studied with the typical scientific method....observing, testing and repeating to figure it out. No one alive today was there to observe. Also there was no written record to talk about what was alive when and how things worked other than the Bible which was rejected as being a myth. So they speculate to fit their narrative they want. The 7 million years came up because the jawbone was found in a strata of rock that the secular scientific community declares is 7 million+ years old based on marine fossils found viewed from an evolutionary process--ignoring the tons of "anomolies" globally that refute this aging system. Total crock. Early geologists did the work that brought this thinking to the mainstream and it has stuck. Their thought process: "If God didn't create, then evolution must be the answer...and looky here the rock strata shows the evolution so let's assign ages based on processes we can see today."

Some historical sciences are very accurate because the time frame in which they are observing is relatively close and not millions of years old. We hear about digs that uncover ruins all across the Middle East, Mediterranean and Europe--digs of buried cities and even finding manuscripts and symbols. Cool Stuff that is worth studying. Skinny will do a dig in Alabama and get data and information on the native American village to come up with a sound idea of what life was like then and even put good dates together. Tremendous work on the study of Early civilizations in the old world and also in America before Europeans came. Not bashing this work at all...I really enjoy it actually. However,
this kind of historical science is very different than the geologists and paleontologists finding a jawbone in the Balkans in some rock they say is 7 million years old....very different from ideas and theories being self-declared as fact to the point that it is just accepted today as truth.

Man did not evolve from chimps or other apes--which evolved from some other earlier form of something--which evolved from something else, and so on. The entire notion is absurd.

Before the atheist evolutionists and deceived Christian evolutionists chime in---evolution in a micro sense (adaptation, natural selection, variation) does exist and is observable and testable.

"The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever." Isaiah 40:8

"Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.� Samuel Adams