If you assign them a particular task to do in June and come opening morning they are there ready to hunt, but it hasnt been done in 4 months time there is no excuse for it and they are solely to blame.
Post the assignments on a board @ club for everyone to see who was assigned what task.

So then what? Y'all going to force them off the property? Beat 'em up? Follow them to the stand if they go and harass them? What's the course of action for the "consumer" who didn't get it done.

I like the idea you've posed of presenting tasks and a given time. Everyone may know about stuff that needs to be done from the previous season: rickety old stand, a tree or limbs hanging over a road, a fence that's down, whatever. So between the end of deer season and Oct. 15 it shouldn't be difficult to get things done (that don't involve planting kill plots) in six months.

Last edited by Clem; 05/22/17 05:16 AM.

"Hunting Politics are stupid!" - Farm Hunter

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