Originally Posted By: Fuzzy_Bunny
So for all you who charge a fine for missing a work day; what do you do about the ones who show up and do nothing but stand around, drink beer, and watch everybody else work?

Assign them a particular task to do so it cant be skipped and not noticed. Ask them in front of the other members why they didnt complete it when everyone else did their part.

Originally Posted By: bambam32
We are kicking around the idea of incentivizing participation in club work days. You miss, you pay. Can anyone share any lessons learned from implementing a program like this? How was it structured?

$100 for each day missed. No hunt until paid. If too many just pay the fine and expect the others to do it all go up on dues to cover it and give the ones who work a break on them.

Ethical behavior is doing the right thing when no one else is watching - even when doing the wrong thing is legal. Aldo Leopold .. (except when it comes to trailer tags)