Originally Posted By: straycat
Stringfellow has NFL talent but, like several others in the draft, he is paying for some really bad and immature choices he made as a Freshman at Washington. He has 2 misdemeanor charges from some kind of assault on a female when he was at Washington....plead guilty.

Ended up transferring to Ole Miss. Didn't get into any trouble that I know about. Performed well. Didn't get invited to the NFL Combine because they have a policy that prohibits any athlete with a misdemeanor or felony conviction from attending.

With a past assault guilty plea...teams passed on him in the Draft. He signed with Miami in April after being invited to workout for a dozen teams or so after the draft.

Young men need to wake up. Conduct yourself correctly. Stay out of trouble. Be a real man and learn some self restraint. There are consequences for being in trouble. (Chad Kelley is another example). Lots of players from lots of schools hurt themselves by their choices and actions. Heck, forget athletes...many people hurt themselves, their families, their careers by their choices and actions.

Yes, but still say having an argument with a girlfriend, walking away and kicking the bumper of her car, then being charged with domestic violence for kicking the bumper is ridiculous. Guy does the samething with a girl that he has never had sex with its not domestic violence. Guy in first scenario if an athlete is screwed.