Originally Posted By: Clem

Ah, I knew you'd chime in. You can't help yourself.

So I'll explain again, one final time and clearly enough that even you may understand since I know you're an intelligent guy. I know that. You and others who keep wanting more laws and regulations and whatnot are smart guys. You just can't help wanting everyone to be in lockstep, though, and that won't happen.

I don't want zero regulations and never have advocated for that. Ever. You and a few others get on the "anarchy!" kick because it's easy to be a knee-jerk reactionary throwing out idiotic labels instead of understanding that some folks just don't want or like more intrusion than what we have.

However, the reality is that laws and regulations exist and in some cases are needed. Conservation is one of them.

That's the reality. We have them. We just don't need MORE of them or to an excess or to the degree that people finally say "Ah, screw it." and quit.

See how that works? I know you do.

So, to reiterate: Who's advocating for no regulations?

Oh, right. No one.

So you aren't against them (meaning laws, rules, regulations, etc.).... you are only saying you want the ones that you specifically want or that benefit you or possibly don't impact you.

Nothing that would benefit others. There is no need in your opinion. You don't need them so nobody else does.

You don't care about others. As long as you are ok then everyone else can go F-themselves.

That's what I read into what you just wrote.

No government employees were harmed in the making of this mess.