I'm down 11.2 pounds so far and haven't weighed today yet. I started last Saturday morning so this mornings weigh in will be a week. Enjoying it so far and feel really motivated again to do it so it will be easy to stick with it for a while.

A diet is nothing more than being stubborn and eating what is good for you, not necessarily what you want. One off day can set you back days on a diet. I had some large grilled chicken salads this week in the places of fried chicken and fries which helps tremendously, didn't stop at the store and get a sun drop and a biscuit for breakfast either which was probably a main contributor. Unsweet tea or water to drink all week after some black coffee early at work.. Going to be at the ball fields off and on all day today for a doubleheader and then allstar tryouts.

Some men are mere hunters; others are turkey hunters. —Archibald Rutledge—