Originally Posted By: trox28
Originally Posted By: BOFF
Originally Posted By: trox28
I've drank a glass of sweet tea,3 glasses of water and just eat 2 boiled eggs.That's all I've had all day..I think I'm dieing

A mouse would roll over and shrivel up with that amount.


I guess I missed the winner's prize of an all paid trophy deer hunt in Canada.

God Bless,
David B.

Well...I kinda got off track not long after I posted that laugh Went to Pizza Hut and eat a salad and 2 and a half pieces of supreme pizza,then the daughter had 2 softball games so I eat a hotdog loaded down with onions and kraut and fries....And I couldn't believe it but they were selling funnel cakes at the ballpark so I had to try one out to make sure it was edible..

Atta boy! Go big or go home! grin

Proud Army and ALNG veteran
God Bless America!