I predicted when they first said it would be mandatory that GC would show a harvest below 20,000. I didn't realize how conservative I was being; didn't even make 10,000. I sure hope he doesn't try to apply that made-up 35% figure to it. But since he has trashed the hunter survey and declared it worthless, we will now have absolutely no idea how many were killed.

The Hunter Survey from last season put the harvest at 29,000, which is down significantly from the 40,000 or so we had been having. My perception is that it was back into the 40,000 range this year, but that's just based on talking to people.

The Avid Hunter Survey may be the only thing we have for this season that is even remotely scientific. Congrats Chucky, on destroying a system that worked just fine for over 50 years. And fwiw, I reported all of mine on GC and also reported every hunt on the Avid Hunter system.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.