Originally Posted By: Clem
FW went in on a significant portion of the Delta acquisition, if I recall right, about 10-15 years ago.

To the point about Bryant, FW always has worked to keep the prices low and has not hidden that fact. They don't trumpet it but they don't deny trying to get the lowest price(s) possible. They know once word gets out, people automatically think "Heh, they have a shitpile of money so let's run up the price!" The reality is they do only have x-amount of money to spend and use for management.

If anyone keeps up with FW, too, they never announce what tracts they're considering for that specific purpose - to keep people (or groups) from running up the prices. They've done that since FW's inception. Other land acquisition groups in other states do the same, just like anyone in the public buying a piece of land. If I was looking at 500 acres I wouldn't be going around talking about it and then have to deal with Jacky Dumbass next door trying to pay more. Word may get out but it wouldn't be because I (or FW, in their case), went around tooting horns about it.

Like any government agency they're probably not perfect but IMO they're far from evil scoundrels and are a benefit to the state.

I've been to a lot of land auctions , never seen anyone ask a major player not to run the price up. I ve seen buyers get a bargain and still complain about the #2 bidder running up the price. It's a public auction, if you can pay for it, set a price and bid, because the other guy dang sure will.

"Why do you ask"?

Always vote the slowest path to socialism.