lots of idiots out there driving and you never know how they will react to anything you do.

I had a guy almost hit me on I20/59 one day near Woodstock. He was acting a fool already, tailgating another car. He changed lanes real fast, came across the line and nearly slammed into me. I laid in the horn and the asshat swung in behind me and rode my bumper. I just slowed down, then some more. Asshat passed me, pulled over in front and slammed the brakes. I expected it and still damn near hit him.

I got in front of him by going around an 18 wheeler. He followed me tailgating all the way to Tuscaloosa. He would pull up beside me and scream and pitch a tantrum. I'd make a finger gun and shoot him. He would go absolutely ballistic then so I quit. I got off at the bypass exit just south of Tuscaloosa. I wasn't taking asshat to my house, so I stopped on the exit ramp and got out with a shotgun. He stopped 70 yards away, so I waved him to me. He backed up and got back on the Interstate.

Really, really, really, crazy folks out there. Take no chances with em.

I've spent most of the money I've made in my lifetime on hunting and fishing. The rest I just wasted.....

proud Cracker-Americaan

muslims are like coyotes, only good one is a dead one