To start the day we got out on the water about 6am this morning. Immediately it was a great morning, just being out there. We had a feller come and mingle with us as boats were putting in. Turned out about 15 yrs ago he was hit by a car and knocked 75ft. He said he had severe brain damage and couldn't talk the clearest but got around pretty decent. He had several real good jokes and was friendly as hell. laugh His fishing partner had to make him stop talking and get in the boat. He was truly just thankful to be ABLE to be out there.

Me and Jeremy got to fishing knowing we had about an hr and half of bass fishing till my wife brought Ella to us for her first time trip in a boat going after some bream. We ended up catching around 10 bass pretty quick on 4-5" swimbaits. Then the wife showed up with Ella. Ella was as excited as can be to go out in a boat and fish. I walked her down the dock to the boat and put her chair and rod in the boat, set her between us and we took off. We didn't know how she'd handle the wind or going semi-fast. We plained out and she looked up and gave me a little smirk. I knew she'd be fine. We had about a two mile ride to our little cove we going to. As we were riding she was looking around at the mountains, birds, other boats. Just truly soaking in every sight to see through her hello kitty sunglasses. grin we made it to the cove, watched a few ospreys then started casting around. Me and Jeremy caught a few small ones real quick. In between catches we'd re cast hers back out. At one point I looked and her little bobber was going all over the place. I told her she had a fish and to start reelin'. She was giving it all she had with that little frozen fishing reel. She got it up to the boat and gave it a little boat flip over board like she'd done it a thousand times. Jeremy caught a little video at the end. It started raining a few minutes later so we had to head back. I took her to the church yard sale where the wife was at and boy Ella told EVERYONE about her big o fish and how it was bigger than mine grin She also watched this video below about 100 times already just reliving the moment and asking when we are going back. Lol

click link below for video

Last edited by TravisBatey; 04/22/17 08:47 AM.