My "other" garden where I am in halves with my neighbor....

I could not get the entire thing in one shot, so I opted for several. We have a LOT planted. There are 28 hills of squash,including yellow straight neck, zucchini, spaghetti and butternut, baby lima beans, pink eye purple hull peas, crowder peas, colored butterbeans, sweet corn, green beans [my neighbor calls them break beans], cucumbers, 25 tomato plants, onions and a black butterbean [I think it is actually a lima bean]...seems like I am leaving something out but that is most of it anyway. Fortunately, he has a well on the property so watering is not an issue.

AND, no we were not staggering drunk when we planted. Those rows are long and it is hard to get them straight without pulling a string and we had to much to do for that to happen.

On another note, my Steakhouse tomato plants that I started from seed are doing great!! Hubby and I have started a competition with each other and three other friends we delivered tomato plants to this morning. We are going to see who can grow the biggest tomato!! Should be fun.

Last edited by Maggie123; 04/21/17 11:06 AM.

Be kind to one another and tell the ones you love that you love them often. We never know what tomorrow will bring.