Originally Posted By: Rebelman
People get hung up on dollars per acre way too often. That is just one singular way of determining the value of a hunting property. Similar to cost per square foot in the housing market. A new 2,000 square foot house in Manhattan doesn't cost the same price per square foot as a 30 year old 2,000 square foot house in Slapout, AL.

NOT ALL HUNTING PROPERTIES ARE EQUAL. Nor are each hunting property equal in value to everyone. There are an unlimited circumstances and features that come into play. Location, size, access, timber types, neighbors, water features, terrain, food plots, campgrounds, price, etc. Honestly, to most people, quality and abundance of game are at the very bottom of attributes but to others it is highly important.

Don't get hung up on price per acre. It is only one attribute. Look at all the others and then determine what value it has to you.

So your tracts that have been clear cut or have bad neighbors or have been abused by the previous lessors are cheaper than equivalent size good tracts?

You're pricing them all according to the actual hunting quality value rather than trying to get the absolute top dollar for every piece you lease?
