Originally Posted By: Geeb

Originally Posted By: BOFF
Fairly certain to be the same bird.

You do know feathers get imbedded from the current shot.

Some of those pics with the feathers look pretty "fresh" to me.

Regardless, congrats on a fine bird!

May there be many more killed!

God Bless,
David B.

I thought the opposite, I would have guessed the embedded feathers were from an old wound as there is no fresh blood or bloodshot around the feathers.

Either way, congrats on a great bird!!!!
Correct sir. None of the embedded feathers are fresh. There was no bloodshot at all (and I have never seen a fresh shot wound in the breast that didn't have bloodshot around it when you peel the hide back...see the pic while the breast is still on the bird). Further, there were no fresh wound channels at all. Though a couple of the feathers look "fresh", it was because I took a toothpick and attempted to pull them to the surface a little for taking photographs. They were all totally healed over and underneath the surface of the breast. There is certainly no way to guarantee the present damage was done by me in the past, but I can pretty much guarantee to you that none of it was done by my shot yesterday. Where the bird was shot, the shot angle, how close he was, no wound channels or bloodshot, no TSS remaining in the bird (which a glancing blow that only hit meat and feathers certainly wouldn't stop TSS in the bird), etc. all point to two totally different incidents. Though there is certainly no way to prove it, I will always believe it is the same bird. Way too much correlation to not be!

"The only reason I shoot a 3.5" shell for turkeys is because they don't make a 4" one." - t123winters