Lots of people scoff at "branded seed" like Biologic or WMS but these companies cannot afford to screw up. Their seed is certified and it is what they say it is. You won't get trash seed mixed in. The seed is within expiration dates and their seed hasn't been exposed to elements detrimental to the seed's health.

Not to say that you can't get cheaper seed that is pure and at a high germination rate but I really bust my ace in preparation, liming, fert, tractor time, etc... if it means spending a few extra $, then I'll sleep well at night.

I don't scoff at guys that buy feed wheat. It's their choice. I buy higher-end seed from WMS and I know I'm buying a quality product. But you can also buy just wheat or just oats from WMS, too. And, it is what they say it is.

Just my opinion.

Oh, and the guys at University of Georgia know what they're doing when they create for example, Durana Clover. It's not a gimmick.