Originally Posted By: Antlerfluke
I don't put a lot of weight in what the deer farmers do or say. They have low stress levels (yes, stress makes a difference), targeted breeding, worming, nutrition... the best environment possible.

We free-range hunters (you could not pay me to hunt high fence, but that's me) can't control genetics so I don't even worry about genetics.

The study by Eric Michel of Mississippi State University says all I need to know which is what the QDMA has been saying.

Worry about what you can control. Age and nutrition!!! Habitat Enhancement just takes some work and a "want to learn mentality" and letting immature bucks walk . Shoot mature bucks, no matter what his antlers score!

At some point in a hunter's life, conservation and mgmt should take the lead.

Very few hunters can do full blown habitat management due to factors beyond their control. Mainly, they don't own their hunting land. Everyone can do some but not all out habitat enhancement.